Transport and Evacuation of Metal Swarf

The choice of applying one type of chip conveyor rather than another depends on several key factors that define its technological characteristics, such as:

1) Application specifications, which are fundamental to the sizing and working efficiency of the equipment: 

  •   type and flow rate of material processed;
  •   construction drawings and surveys of the machine tool;
  •   type and flow rate of the cooling fluid;
  •   required degree of pre-filtration of the cooling lubricant;
  •   working temperature of the tools. 

2) Operating budget;

3) Arrangements for the installation of technologies to be integrated with the initial solution, depending on the end user's future expectations (pumping systems, filtration systems, thermal units, etc.).

The choice of conveyor cannot be made in isolation from the overall set-up of the system on board the machine tool.

It also requires extensive knowledge of multiple factors that contribute to ensuring the efficiency of the system and the machine tool.

Our solutions: